Monday, March 23, 2009


Covenant is a word that is often confused as being the same as a contract. It is certainly NOT a contract. Covenant does include the idea of a binding agreement, but the big difference is that a covenant takes place within a lasting, meaningful relationship. Thus, I do not have a covenant with my homeowners association, as much as they want to think I do, but I have a contract with them.
The idea of a covenant, spiritually, carries great significance for us as believers. God initiates, confirms, and fulfills His covenant with us. All that is required of us is to accept and live in the covenant. God takes care of all the rest. The covenant is about a lasting, meaningful relationship between God and His people through Jesus Christ. The covenant is living in and being a part of His dream for us as individuals and the world.
All of this leads me to the idea of "church" membership. At The Quest, I have decided that we will not have "church membership". Instead, we will be in covenant with God, with each other, and with our community....together. A church in Michigan does a similar thing. You see, we are not called to "join" and organization or an institution, but we are called to be "in covenant" with God and one another. This is what we will commit to on Easter Sunday and the week after for those who wish to be in covenant with God, with one another, and with the community.
I am sure that this decision and this covenant will so impact your life and change your life that you will never be same! Are you ready for a new way of living and a new driving force for you life. If so, it's time for the covenant.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Making a Stand

Refusing to give up is a hard thing to do. Giving up is always easier than not. We live in a culture and society where there are not many who will not give up anymore. Granted, most don't say that they give up. Most of the time we word it as, "The support for _________ is dwindling. Etc,...." But, when we give up then we are willing to accept the status quo. I cannot accept the status quo.
The status quo says that there are enough people coming to Christ without any more effort. The status quo says that there are enough people out there, already, who are feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, and caring for others. The status quo says that the message of God's dream is out there enough. This is as good as it gets, says the status quo. I refuse to believe that.
Refusing to give up means that no matter what, we will find a way to keep going. We will not give in. We will not be defeated. Where we don't see a way, God will make a way for His Word and His dream for the world to be proclaimed. We have to be willing to stand on that. The real question is: Are we willing to stand? Are we willing to adjust, shake, jump, sit, dive, run, walk, or lie face down to do whatever it takes to let others know God's dream for the world and for them? Will you be the one who "refuses to give up on God's dream for the world" or will you be one who says, "what we have now is good enough"?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You Gotta Trust Your Call

Starting a new "church" (although it is not a new one, it is just part of the already existing Church) is an exciting, awesome, amazing, difficult, and at times discouraging thing to do. There are so many peaks and valleys that it can boggle the mind.
Imagine that God has given you a picture of your life and has shown you what it will look like in the end. Then, imagine day by day your are doing everything you can to get there and along the way you experience the greatness of the moments that you know are leading to it, but are also bombarded on occasion with the moments and circumstances that make you think you will never get there. Ultimately, that is life and that is the life of "church-planting".
It is in these moments, especially, that all we can do is trust in the "call" that God has given us. In fact, it is a call He has only chosen to share with us and allowed us to be a part in. It is actually His dream and we simply get to be a part. God is faithful to bring about what He has for all of us no matter what the circumstances surrounding us may look like. In life and in church planting, we must never allow circumstances to dictate our call or our faith and trust in the One who has given it. We must simply be faithful and obedient.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Time for Jubilee

Goodness! Can the news be any more depressing when it comes to job loss, foreclosures, debt, bankruptcy, and the economy? We are truly experiencing uncertain times. These times are enough to make anyone fearful, anxious, and uneasy. However, I always wonder where God fits into each and every experience, including our present circumstance.
I do not believe that it is by accident that last night I read two things that run exactly with each other. First, I read Leviticus 25 as my reading for the "read the Bible in a year" and then I read a book I bought a while back that is actually the transcript of a speech by Bono (U2's lead singer) that he gave to the National Prayer Breakfast in 2006. I was surprised and then stirred that both were about Jubilee.
To sum up Leviticus 25, work your land and harvest for 6 years and let the land have a "sabbath" on the seventh year. God would provide enough for 3 years in the 6th year, so no worries about the 7th. However, every 50th year would be Jubilee. All debt cancelled and those who had lost everything, including their land, get it back. That is a very short description. Bono's speech talked about the same thing, but on a political and social level for governments to do.
Jubilee is a year of redemption for the poor, indebted, bankrupt, enslaved, and beaten down. Leviticus 25:35 says, "If your brother becomes poor and cannot maintain shall maintain shall not lend him your money at interest, not give him your food for profit." Jesus, as He begins His ministry, quotes from Isaiah in Luke 4:18, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor." Jesus ushers in the time of God's favor...the ultimate Jubilee.
Now, here is what I am left to ponder and for you to ponder with me. Our vision is "refusing to give up on God's dream for the world." So, how do we live out Jubilee in Canton? We are in an era of "Jubilee Grace" through Jesus Christ. How do we live this out and make Jubilee reality in people's lives?
Let me know what you think.