Monday, March 23, 2009


Covenant is a word that is often confused as being the same as a contract. It is certainly NOT a contract. Covenant does include the idea of a binding agreement, but the big difference is that a covenant takes place within a lasting, meaningful relationship. Thus, I do not have a covenant with my homeowners association, as much as they want to think I do, but I have a contract with them.
The idea of a covenant, spiritually, carries great significance for us as believers. God initiates, confirms, and fulfills His covenant with us. All that is required of us is to accept and live in the covenant. God takes care of all the rest. The covenant is about a lasting, meaningful relationship between God and His people through Jesus Christ. The covenant is living in and being a part of His dream for us as individuals and the world.
All of this leads me to the idea of "church" membership. At The Quest, I have decided that we will not have "church membership". Instead, we will be in covenant with God, with each other, and with our community....together. A church in Michigan does a similar thing. You see, we are not called to "join" and organization or an institution, but we are called to be "in covenant" with God and one another. This is what we will commit to on Easter Sunday and the week after for those who wish to be in covenant with God, with one another, and with the community.
I am sure that this decision and this covenant will so impact your life and change your life that you will never be same! Are you ready for a new way of living and a new driving force for you life. If so, it's time for the covenant.

1 comment:

  1. I've said on more than one occasion that membership is overblown. I have avoided attending church for a long time because I felt that organized religion had become more about the organization than about God.

    My relationship with God is my own and not subject to the judgement of others. I've attended churches (though not for long) where you were judged if you were not "Born Again". I've never found much comfort in the "Born Again" philosophy.

    The Bible clearly says that God knew us before our birth. Our relationship exceeds our physical being. We are born of God and He lives in us. Regardless whether we acknowledge Him, He always acknowledges us. We merely need to accept Him and to accept the redemption and salvation that He offers through His son Jesus Christ.

    With that said, I embrace the covenant that God has offered. I can only pray that I can give to Him all that He asks of me.

